Recently many articles have been reported that imbalanced immune system cause chronic disease. So far, they pay attention on an internal factor cytokine.
The situation changed by an appearance of the molecular target medicine which was a rheumatic specific medicine.
Our therapy is that work together between researcher specialized in cytokine and clinical doctor and they test blood sample grasp of the dynamic cytokines and immune cell conditions also using the functional foods which are evaluated or herbs to control imbalanced immune.
But all the immune system is not elucidated, however trying to check and control several kinds of cytokine proved that a related to disease for symptom improvement.
Below the surface skin of a protein having barrier function.
Found less filaggrin in atopy dermatitis. From this cause decrease barrier function and Antigen invasion→ induction of inflammation→ vicious circle such as a chronic diseases of atopy dermatitis patients have. This supplement brought a result filaggrin restoration rate 70% improves at the clinical test also at the same time obtained as surprising result from clinical cases as well.